I had a dream a while ago where I saw three different Christian people each wearing a different piece of clothing and representing 3 groups of thought.The first person was in a straight jacket, the second was dressed in a sparkly sequinned blazer and the third was wearing a simple white robe. I could immediately see where the Lord was taking me in this dream. He reminded me that there are 3 types of Christians today. One group are remaining in the straight jacket of guilt and condemnation because of their past and present sins. They haven’t yet grasped the truth of God’s word which tells us plainly; “There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of Life has MADE ME FREE from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1-2) The straight jacket they CHOOSE to wear is rendering them ineffective in embracing the freedom that they already have through Jesus. They cannot forgive themselves and cannot understand why God would forgive them. They do not feel worthy to do anything for the Lord or seek the abundant life He promises.
The second group of Christians are parading around proud as peacocks in their sparkly white blazers. These are the ones who are are quick to say they are the cream of the crop, the ones who have seemed to have made all the right decisions in their lives up until this point, free from any adversity (yet), boasting in the blessings of God through right living but often are the same group who shun those Christians doing it tough or struggling in sin. This group act as though the Lord Himself is privileged to have them on His team while turning a blind or apathetic eye to their weaker brethren. “There is a kind who is pure in their own eyes, yet is not washed from his filthiness.” (Proverbs 30:12)
I am saddened to admit that I have worn both- the straight jacket and the sparkly blazer. Interestingly, the sparkly white blazer was worn right up until my first marriage breakdown and subsequent divorce. Thankfully, I haven’t worn this number too many times in my life since.
When my second marriage failed miserably along with the result of becoming a single parent, I chose to wear the straight jacket once more and throw away my white sequinned ‘look at me’ one. One failed marriage as a Christian was terrible enough; but two? There were times I prayed for the Lord to take me home. I couldn’t live with the failure, the guilt and shame. And that is what I placed upon myself (forget about how others treated me).
Let’s talk now about the third group; ones who choose to wear the simple white robe. These Christians make the daily and conscience decision to view themselves how the Father now sees them. “I will rejoice in the Lord..for He has clothed me in the garments of salvation, He has wrapped me in robes of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:10)
“It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” (Revelation 19:8)
This group humbly remember that there is nothing that they have or have not done to achieve the wearing of Christ’s robe of righteousness apart from to ACCEPT it. Then they live their lives in such a way as to be kind and compassionate to everyone and say ‘But by the Grace of God go I”. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”(James 4:6)
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”(Luke 14:11)
(If you ever choose to wear the straight jacket of condemnation or the sparkly blazer of self righteousness, you must repent and ask the Lord to reveal to you ( sometimes more than once) the garment you should see yourself wearing- the Robe of Christ.
Without Christ, we are nothing but with Him, we have everything.
So…what are you wearing today?