Blended Not Shaken Ministries and Publications

Christian step/single parent and blended families ministry.

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Let’s continue with the devotional series based around my latest book, “Sing a Sing to Single Mums.”

3. Your never-distant companion.

Key verses: Deuteronomy 31:6 & 8

This chapter shows the exchange between Moses and the Lord’s message to the people of Israel on the eve of their entering to possess the promised land. The phrases, “the Lord Himself,” “the Lord your God”, “He is the one who goes before you” show the important truth to remember whenever you are afraid, are stepping into something new, or feel isolated or alone. The Lord repeats this truth so it’s not easily forgotten.

People; family, friends, colleagues will come and go into and out of your life. But the Lord is a constant. He will never leave you nor forsake you. (1 Chron. 28:2,Psalm 94:14, Matt. 28:20, 1 Kings 8:57, Deut.4:31, Gen. 28:15, Heb. 13:6, Josh. 1:5, 9, Psalm 73:23-26, Is. 41:10-13)

Commit some or all of these verses to memory if you find you are prone to feeling isolated and alone and remember too- Jesus is “the friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24)

The Psalmist said “Where can I go from your Spirit?” (Read Psalm 139) You cannot go anywhere where the Holy Spirit of God cannot find you. HE is your never-distant Companion.

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4. Hope in God Alone

Key verse: Romans 15:13

Superficial vs Supernatural Hope. Can you differentiate between the two? God is the only one who promises lasting and sure hope for both this life and the one to come. When we grasp a hold of God’s hope, it’s benefits are joy and peace. We experience this joy and peace when we choose to trust and believe in God. What do you know of God? Can you list off some or many of His attributes? Have you experienced first hand the character of God? If you answered ‘yes’, remind yourself of your amazing God, Father and friend who is to be trusted and who promises you His joy and His peace.

People and circumstances will disappoint you- guaranteed. But God never will.

Other scriptures for further study:

Romans 5:3-5
Psalm 33:18
Psalm 119: 81, 114

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I hope you’ve been encouraged and strengthened today. Please feel free to share these short devotionals and the message of the ministry with others.

Blessings xx

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