Blended Not Shaken Ministries and Publications

Christian step/single parent and blended families ministry.

How to delight in the Lord’s will for us

The topic for this blog has been one that I have been contemplating for months. It all began when I decided to apply for a different teaching job to the one I’m currently in in November ’22 last year. To sum it up in a nutshell, I was unhappy in my work situation and was looking for a way out. As is the case for us from time to time, we wrongly think that any new grass will be greener this time around. While preparing my application, sending it off and waiting for a reply, I sensed that God was reminding me of the verse from Psalm 40:8;

“I delight to do your will, O God. Your law is within my heart.”

I couldn’t seem to escape it. It came up in conversation, in books I was reading, in devotional times. I knew that I needed to meditate on this verse more closely. The Lord was clearly speaking. He was saying that I needed to come to a place where I was delighting in His will for me, wherever it was. Not to begrudge His will. Not to work from a sense of duty and drudgery but delight. As you might guess, I didn’t get the new job. I was very disappointed. I was hoping to leave my current place of employment and go onto bigger and better (so I thought) things. And this new school would have offered far better opportunities than the old one. Better working conditions, higher pay, more richly resourced, easier clientele, closer to home and so on.

So, now I’m working through what delighting in His will means for me and looks for my situation. First, I needed to repent of my poor and ungrateful attitude then remind myself of a previous lesson learned about the will of God- “to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and to in all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5: 16-18

Read a previous blog of mine titled ‘Living the will of God.’ Living the will of God – Blended Not Shaken

And I’ve needed to continue this process from time to time. Secondly, the Lord has reminded me how I received this job in the first place. There is no way of denying it- I was meant to have my current job, the Lord clearly gave me this opportunity. It is totally within my giftings and my capabilities. And this has been confirmed a number of times in the 18 months I’ve had this position.

1 Peter 4:10 says “God has given each of you a gift.. whatever it is, do it with the strength God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God.”

It’s not rocket science. The gifts God has given you is key to knowing what He wants you to do. I am learning to accept I cannot necessarily be where I want to be or do what I want to do but I can be and do what God has called me to do. It’s a choice, plain and simple. I can choose to delight in HIM, to delight to do what He has called me to do, where He has called me to do it or I can choose to be stubborn and miserable and be constantly looking for a way out.Thirdly, I have been reminded that it always boils down to the condition of your heart. So, my prayers each day include verses like,

“Create in me a clean heart, O Lord and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10


“May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my God and my Redeemer..” Psalm 19:14

to help keep my heart right before Him. He knows my heart better than anyone. He knows my desires as well. I choose to keep handing my heart’s desires to Him, praying that my desires align with His.

(As an aside, just this week, as I’ve been thinking about what to include in this blog post, I’ve also been reading about how to be blessed at work! (Vision 180 Magazine) I am to continue to upskill my current giftings to get better at what God has called me to do at work.

“Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings.” Prov. 22:29

We become a greater witness to a watching world when we do all things well. Whatever your work,

“Do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Col .3:17

And we are blessed when we work hard.

“Hard work will reward you.” Prov. 13:4

The Bible tells us that,

“The desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.” Prov. 13:4. Hard, skilled workers of God get it all; the satisfaction of a job well done, a sense of self-worth, a reputation for integrity, the trust of others but most importantly, God’s ‘Well done!’)

I have been studying the book of Genesis for the past couple of months. Abraham has been a good role model to follow when it comes to living a life of obedient faith. This brings me to my fourth point. Because of his faith, Abraham was a ‘friend of God.’ He experienced God’s protection, provision and promises in miraculous ways. My commentary by Wiersbe says of Abraham,

Where does the Lord provide our needs? In the place of His assignment. When Abraham was at the right place, God could meet His needs. We have no right to expect the provision of God if we are not in the will of God.’

To whom does God give His provision? To those who trust Him and obey His instructions. When we are doing the will of God, we have the right to expect provision from God. When God’s work is done God’s way, it will not lack God’s support. God is not obligated to bless my ideas, but He is obligated to support His work if it is done His way.’

(Be Obedient, W.W Wiersbe)

This is also said of God’s peace, His protection, His promises.

When we are in His will, we are in the safest and best place of all.

The Lord has also reminded me, that like Abraham and Daniel, whom He has also drawn me to study again, fully trusted in God, my fifth point.

Daniel was a resolute man who trusted God and His word. I have written 3 blogs on Daniel’s life. They are worth reading.

Lessons from Daniel Part 1 Lessons from Daniel – Part 1 – Blended Not Shaken

Transformer or Conformer Part 2 Transformer or Conformer – Blended Not Shaken

God pleaser Vs Man Pleaser Part 3 God pleaser vs man pleaser – Blended Not Shaken

This blog contains alot of information. Each point is a blog on its own. However, I felt it right to address this issue I have been dealing with lately, as I’m sure many others have grappled with this as well and desire, albeit, reluctantly at times to delight to do the Lord’s will above all else.

Bless you as you too endeavour to delight in God’s will for you..

Karina x

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